L-Erbgħa, Marzu 15, 2006


Irrid nagħmel bloggata bil-Malti. Għax qaluli nikteb bil-Malti. Għalxejn nippruvaw nilħqu l-massa fil-babilonja diġitali qaluli. Il-Malti jinqara xorta. Jien irrid ninqara? Irrid nikteb wara kollox? Naħseb li naf nikteb? Jien kuntent li naħseb. Forsi frustrat li ma nafx nikteb. U għalfejn għandi nsemma' leħni?

Irrid ngħix, irrid naqra kull ma jinkiteb, irrid nisma' kull ma jindaqq u kull ma jittanbar u jitqies leġġenda. Irrid ngħid tiegħi dwar il-Kunsilli u l-Lvant Nofsani. U dwar ir-raġġiri tas-setgħana. Irrid inlaħħaq ma' l-espansjoni tal-Google u ta' l-Arcelor. U rrid inmaqdar lill-Inter u lil Bush fl-istess nifs. Għax id-dinja ma ddurx oħra jekk nimmissja l-aħħar rebbieħ tal-Pulitzer. U rrid nikteb?

U mbagħad jgħiduli nifhem f'kollox. U ma nkun nifhem xejn. U ma nkun nifhem f'xejn. Imma nifhem fl-immigranti u għaliex għandna nkeċċuhom 'l hemm. U fin-nukleari, għaliex l-Iran m'għandux skop ta' paċi, imma l-bqija iva. Għaliex m'jien ngħid xejn ġdid. U xorta nikteb.

It-Tnejn, Marzu 13, 2006


Looks like I will start telling bollocks on Luxembourgish football now as well! Can you believe it? Yesterday, we have been to this remote (is it?) village 20km off Luxembourg city. To do what? There's nothing better on a Sunday afternoon than randomly choosing a match from the set of fixtures which you happen to go through browsing a local paper for the first time. So Patange be it. Against second placed Jeunesse Esch (mitica squadra). And, yes, the random addition this time was Norbert...

Freezing. 7 euros. How worse could it be? Where's the stadium? There's no stadium. It's a football field. Rightly so. There are spectators, not supporters. Referee and linesmen are not even Luxembourgish (Belgian, of course). Ladies club is where you can find a cup of coffee to help you raise your body temperature. Most exciting part: Red card, as your team is actually given a freekick - naturally you assail an opponent. Half-time, back home...too cold.

Result, as your curiousity leads you to look for it on the internet the following day: 2-1 for the visitors ('Eschites'?) with 10 men. And what does a Maltese like me, who goes to Petange and back to laugh his head off with his friends over these poor old Luxembourgish football lovers do after that? Can't forget these lot beat us twice last time we met in European Championships qualifiers...

L-Erbgħa, Marzu 08, 2006

FC Avenir oldest football club in the city

Forget Ronaldinho and Champions League gibberish. Here's a piece of news of utmost importance which all the fans around the world were anxiously waiting for:

After a while of research, it is now considered a fact that FC Avenir Beggen is the oldest still existing football club in the city of Luxembourg. Founded in 1915, the clubs that were "born" closest to FC Avenir and are still existing are Tricolore Gasperich, AS Luxembourg and Red Black Pfaffenthal, all founded in 1919. After the big merger(!) between Alliance 01, Spora and Union Luxembourg, Luxembourg-City's oldest club so far, Union, disappeared from the map. They were founded in 1908. But they were not the first football club in town ever. In 1907, Racing Luxembourg were established, but in 1923 they merged with Sporting to form Spora. Foundation years of all clubs in Luxembourg-City: Beggen 1915, Cebra 2001, Tricolore 1919, RM Hamm 2004, RFCUL 2005, AS Luxembourg 1919, Merl 1927, Muhlenbach 1932, Red Black 1919 and Weimerskirch 1926. (source)